Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices about Vegetarian Diet of University Students who Follow this Type of Diet
Social representations of vegetarians
Diet, Vegetarian, attitudes, diet practice, DietAbstract
Introduction: The vegetarian lifestyle is on the rise. The exploration of the symbolic aspects that underlie the choice and practice of vegetarianism provides valuable information about eating in groups with a direct link to health and nutrition content. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the knowledge, practices, and attitudes of vegetarian nutrition students.
Methods: An observational, descriptive study was carried out with 44 students who were characterized using a virtual questionnaire. Two focus group interviews were conducted on critical nutrients, specialized professionals, perception and use of nutritional supplements, motivations, and trajectory in the adoption of vegetarianism, sources of information on vegetarian food, behaviors of the family and social circle, and gastronomic offerings.
Results: 95% were women between 18 and 23 years old, lacto-ovo vegetarians (87%), who adopted this lifestyle for ethical (48%) and environmental reasons (27%), and it also allowed a greater diversity of preparations. Half took supplements and consulted with a professional at some point. The students had insufficient knowledge about critical nutrients and were unaware of the portfolio of specialized nutritionists. Food planning was necessary to maintain an adequate diet. Soaking, cooking, and freezing legumes were used to improve nutrient bioavailability and food availability. Late supplementation, lack thereof and self-supplementation were common practices. The participants suffered ridicule, criticism and prejudice from social and professional environments.
Conclusions: Greater support of vegetarians from professionals and those close to them is necessary, such as training during the course of the degree to avoid nutritional deficits and damage to the health of the group.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Daiana Marisol Guerrero, Agustina Marcela Lotufo Haddad, Carolina Curti
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