Priority Units for The Integration of Dietitian-Nutritionists in Specialized Hospital Care in the Valencian Health System. Expert Consensus by Delphi Methodology.
Health Personnel, Dietitian-Nutritionist, Health Services, national health system, Human ResourcesAbstract
Introduction: In 2009, the first position statement was made on the incorporation of the group of Dietitians-Nutritionists in the National Health System, updated in 2020. In 2023, the Official College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of the Valencian Community proposes an update based on this, including a forecast of the human resources necessary to meet these criteria, highlighting that 770 places would be needed throughout the Valencian Community. This study complements this report, establishing the priority of unit integration based on the expert’s criteria.
Methods: An exploratory study was proposed using Delphi methodology, as a prospective consensus process, involving a group of experts (n = 12) who responded anonymously to two successive questionnaires electronically; firstly, with a pre-selection of 6 of the 28 health units presented, and secondly, ordering from most to least priority the 28 indicated units.
Results: The results of both methods indicate that the integration of DNs in the Dietetics and Nutrition, Oncology, Digestive System, Endocrinology and Dialysis units is a higher priority. Other health units with variable priority are General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Cardiology. Both methods reflect that the units of Urology, Hospitalization at Home, Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Psychiatry, or the units of non-general surgery (thoracic, cardiac, neurological) would be the least priority for the integration of these professionals.
Conclusions: Exploratory studies such as the one presented above can help the public administration to establish care priorities. The integration of these places must meet the expert criteria such as those raised in this work.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Luis Cabañas Alite, Ruth García-Barajas, Rocío Bueno-Martínez
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