Prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity in Chilean older people. Results of the National Health Survey 2016-2017
Aged, Obesity, Sarcopenia, AdiposityAbstract
Introduction: There are no studies in Chile that quantify the prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity in Chilean elderly people.
Methodology: 240 people ≥ 60 years from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017 were included. Pre-sarcopenia was estimated with the handgrip test and obesity was defined using waist circumference. As a sensitivity analysis, obesity was classified in a subsample of 129 people using the BMI. Based on the obesity and muscle strength criteria, the participants were categorized as: normal; obese/ normal; normal/pre-sarcopenia and obesity/pre-sarcopenia.
Results: 22.6% of the population presented obesity/pre-sarcopenia using waist circumference as a diagnostic parameter. The prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity was higher in women (22.9%), in older people (33.0%), with urban residence (22.8%), and lower educational levels (37.3%). By incorporating the BMI as an obesity criterion, a decrease in the prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity (12.2%) and a higher percentage of women with this phenotype were identified.
Conclusions: The prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity was identified in 22.6% of the older Chilean population included. Considering the role of obesity and sarcopenia in the development of non-communicable diseases, its identification and early detection could allow the creation of interventions that favor the survival and health of the elderly.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Yeny Concha Cisternas, Felipe Díaz, Jose Catro Piñero, Fabian Lanuza, Nicole Laserre, Ana María Leiva- Ordoñez , Igor Cigarroa, Gabriela Nazar , Solange Parra- Soto, Carlos Celis-Morales, Fanny Petermann-Rocha

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