Glycemic index of cañahua, quinua and enzymatically modified products from quinoa Jacha Grano

Glycemic index of Andean pseudocereals


  • Peggy Ormachea-Salcedo
  • Alejandra Navia Coarite
  • Gabriela Tarquino-Flores Tarquino-Flores
  • Lizzeth Callejas-Calle
  • Cliver Yupanqui-Machaca
  • Carolina Latorre-Rada
  • Maria Mamani-Charca
  • Lily Salcedo Ortiz Autor



Alimento funcional, chenopodium pallidicaule, Chenopodium quinoa, biotecnología, valor nutritivo.


Introduction: Andean grains such as quinoa and cañahua have exceptional nutritional qualities, foods with functional properties are increasingly  required due to their implication in health, developing nutritional alternatives with specific qualities is of great interest, of the qualities to value the glycemic index and glycemic load are important for a possible implementation in special diets. The objective of this work was to determine the glycemic index (GI) of two enzymatically modified products of quinoa Jacha Grano, cañahua and different varieties of quinoa.

Methods: The effect of cañahua, quinoa and two enzymatically modified products of quinoa Jacha Grano on the glycemic index was determined according to the ISO 26642:2010 method. To obtain enzymatically modified products, a sequential hydrolysis was carried out with -amylase/alcalase of Jacha Grano quinoa flour. Post hydrolysis, the soluble fraction was separated from the insoluble fraction by filter centrifugation, the soluble fraction was dried by spraying and the insoluble fraction by lyophilization.

Results: The GI of the insoluble fraction product in the form of cookies (20.2) was obtained; of the product soluble fraction in the form of juice (39.5); the GI of white Royal quinoa (33.3); black Royal quinoa (28.1), red Royal quinoa (35.5), Jacha Grano quinoa (35.8) and Cañahua (36.3).

Conclusions: The glycemic index values of different varieties of quinoa and cañahua correspond to low levels; the product of the soluble fraction obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from quinoa Jacha Grano in the form of juice also obtained a low value and the product of the insoluble fraction with high fiber and lipid content in the form of cookies had a very low value (20.2 ± 3.1). The effect of the products obtained could be studied in people who need specialized nutrition, generating opportunities for the food industry.



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How to Cite

Ormachea-Salcedo, P., Navia Coarite, A., Tarquino-Flores, G. T.-F., Callejas-Calle, L., Yupanqui-Machaca, C., Latorre-Rada, C., Mamani-Charca, M., & Salcedo Ortiz, L. (2024). Glycemic index of cañahua, quinua and enzymatically modified products from quinoa Jacha Grano: Glycemic index of Andean pseudocereals. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 28(1), 38–46.