Nutritional relations: from nutritional equivalent to exchange lists


  • Josep Boatella Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatologia. Facultad de Farmacia. Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Diet, Food, and Nutrition, Nutritional Requirements, Food.


This review deals with the evolution of the concepts associated with the nutritional equivalence of food, since the introduction of the so-called "hay equivalent" by Thaer (1809) to the exchange lists published from the 40s of XX century by the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association. While initially the concept came from the field of animal nutrition, improving knowledge on the physiological and metabolic processes involved in human nutrition, food chemistry and nutritional and caloric needs of individuals, demonstrated their usefulness in the development of diets intended to dietary treatment of certain diseases (diabetes initially) and then to those designed for healthy individuals and population groups .


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How to Cite

Boatella, J. (2017). Nutritional relations: from nutritional equivalent to exchange lists. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21(3), 300–309.