Kinanthropometric characteristics in teenager basketball players
Anthropometry, Body Composition, Somatotypes, BasketballAbstract
Introduction: Basketball is a sport with a high heterogeneity anthropometric as playing position. Point guard is usually the lowest player but also the fastest. Guard is similar to point guard, faster and more agile than the others. Small forward has an intermediate height between the inside and outside players and it combines height with velocity. And center (pivot) has a physical role, it has the highest and more muscle mass. The aim of this study is to describe the kinanthropometric profile of male cadet “Valencia Basket Club”.
Material and Methods: A total of 20 male cadet basketball players were evaluated (15.35±0.59 years old). An anthropometrist level 1 took anthropometric measures according to the methodology of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Body composition was calculated according to the kinanthropometry consensus of the Kinanthropometry Spanish Group (GREC), somatotype with Heath-Carter’s method and adiposemuscular and cardiovascular risk index.
Results: Differences in values of weight, height, skinfold and body composition from variables of sample and position were observed. Lower values were from point guard position and higher values were from center position. An increasing trend of these parameters was established in the following order: point guard, guard, small forward and center.
Conclusions: The Valencia Basket Club cadet player overall somatotype is balance ectomorph. To know kinanthropometric profile may be beneficial to develop specific training and nutrition plans as well as to see evolution and characteristics for optimal performance
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