The “Laboratorio de leches preparadas” (Laboratory of prepared milks) and the introduction of albuminous milk in Spain


  • Josep Boatella Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatologia, Facultad de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona (UB).



Albuminous milk, Gómez Aguado, “Laboratorio de leches preparadas”, History of Pediatrics


This historic study deals with the beginnings and evolution of albuminous milks in Spain, which were initially obtained by the method suggested by Finkelstein, in 1910. It details the various changes that were suggested over the following years, their features and compiles the different opinions related with the suitability and product directions. Within this context, stands the figure of Aguado Gómez, illustrious pediatrician from Cordoba who, during the first decades of the twentieth century and regardless of their daily work, made outstanding contributions in the field of infant diets. As a true inspiration and technical director of “Laboratory of prepared milks “, he was dedicated, on this other side of his professional activity, to the preparation of various dairy food- dairy medicines at an industrial scale. In this area, and a few years after the publication of Finkelstein’s proposal, he was featured by the development of an albuminous milk (“Lactobumose”) for which he obtained a patent registration. This also makes him to be a pioneer in the introduction of this type of derivatives in Spain.


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How to Cite

Boatella, J. (2014). The “Laboratorio de leches preparadas” (Laboratory of prepared milks) and the introduction of albuminous milk in Spain. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 19(2), 124–129.