Existing evidence on the influence of prebiotic intake on the risk of colorectal cancer


  • Mireia Hidalgo-Garcia Universidad de Barcelona
  • Andreu Farran Universidad de Barcelona




colorectal cancer, prebiotics, inulin


Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Among the risk of developing colorectal cancer and the intestinal microbiota there is a complex relationship that can be modified by diet. The effect of prebiotics on the composition and colonic microbiota activity can produce beneficial changes in the altered flora of pacients with colon cancer. Of all the prebiotic inulin HP and sinergil (30% oligofructose and 70% inulin) are supposed to be the ones that keep a closer relationship with the tumor. This phenomenon could be explained by the long chain fructans. The animal studies observed that administration of prebiotics reduces the number and multiplicity of aberrant crypt foci, reduce the number and lifetime of the tumors, inhibits their growth and potentiates the effect of different chemotherapeutic drugs. The results obtained in rodents that are intended to simulate genetic predisposition are not homogeneous. Some human studies, mostly healthy, observed changes in the composition of the microbiota, in the bile acid profile and the short chain fatty acids, but the results differ among studies and no conclusive results are obtained.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo-Garcia, M., & Farran, A. (2013). Existing evidence on the influence of prebiotic intake on the risk of colorectal cancer. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 17(1), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.14306/renhyd.17.1.1

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