Peculiar dietetic products (1900-1950) (II): scientism and advertising


  • Josep Boatella Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatologia. Facultad de Farmacia. Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Dietetic foods, Infant formulas, Advertising, History


As a continuation of the article “Peculiar dietetic products (1850-1950)” (Act Diet. 2009; 13:27-30), this paper discusses various dietetic foods developed in Spain during the period 1900-1950. This time, the uniqueness of them focuses on aspects of their formulation (unreported, doubtful effectiveness, erroneous based on current knowledge, etc..) or with the advertising strategies used.



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How to Cite

Boatella, J. (2013). Peculiar dietetic products (1900-1950) (II): scientism and advertising. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 17(3), 123–128.