Body Composition and Somatotype in Adolescent Competion Swimmers


  • José Miguel Martínez-Sanz Programa de Tecnificación de Triatlón, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España Asesoramiento científico-técnico para la planificación deportiva, NUTRIAKTIVE, España
  • Juan Mielgo-Ayuso Centro Riojano de Nutrición Haro, Club Vóleibol Haro, Haro, La Rioja, España
  • Aritz Urdampilleta Asesoramiento científico-técnico para la planificación deportiva, NUTRIAKTIVE, España Departamento de Educación Física y Deportiva, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV-EHU), Vitoria, Álava, España Asesoría Nutricional y Deportiva, Unidad de Fisiología del Deporte, Estímulos de Hipoxia Intermitente y Entrenamientos en Altitud, Centro Deportivo K2, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España



Swimming, Adolescents, Anthropometry, Body composition, Somatotype


Introduction: The swimmer is a high level athlete, with long limbs, and whose musculoskeletal components are important in sporting success. However, the fat component is paradoxical because of its relationship with the buoyancy and displacement of the body in the water. The aim of this study is to describe the anthropometric profile of adolescent competition swimmers.

Material and methods: A total of 17 adolescent swimmers were evaluated, 10 boys (13.2 ±1.32 years) and 7 girls (15±1.83 years). A qualified anthropometrist took anthropometric measures according to the protocol of the Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK), with approved materials according to the methodology of Marfell-Jones et al, 2003. Body composition was calculated according to the consensus of Kinanthropometry and somatotype with Heath-Carter´s method.

Results: Of all the variables studied (weight, height, folds, circumferences, diameters and lengths), significant differences were found (P<.05) between the sexes in height, arm span, skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, crestailiaca, ileo-spinal, abdominal, thigh, leg, sum of skinfolds), biacromial-bi-iliac index, bone body mass, muscle and fat, ectomorphy, and endomorphy.

Conclusions: There are significant anthropometric differences between genders in adolescent swimmers (P<.05). Such differences, resulting in the development of both sexes, might be highly related to athletic performance of young athletes.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Sanz, J. M., Mielgo-Ayuso, J., & Urdampilleta, A. (2012). Body Composition and Somatotype in Adolescent Competion Swimmers. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 16(4), 130–136.

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