Assessment of the nutritional quality of cookies with low glycemic value in the city of Rosario, Argentina


  • Emilce Elina Llopart Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL), Rosario CONICET Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe
  • Maria Paula Pérez Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL), Rosario
  • Daniela Borda-Bossana Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL), Rosario
  • Lucrecia López-Marenghini Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL), Rosario



Cookies, Nutritive value, Glycemic value, Fatty Acids, Total dietary fat, Saturated fatty acids, Dietary sodium, Food labelling, Traffic light nutrition labelling


Introduction: Cookies constitute a varied group of farinaceous products. Their consumption is widespread and they can be considered one of products that families consume. Some cookies belong within the group of functional food, thus are allowed to be eaten by people with special dietary needs, such as patients with diabetes. The main goal of this publication was to asses, by using the nutrition labeling, the amount of fat, saturated fatty acids and sodium contained in low glycemic value cookies available at health food stores in Rosario.

Material and Methods: Cookies were divided into three categories: Adequate, Moderately Adequate cookies and Not Adequate cookies, according to the study of their critical nutrient concentrations analyzed by the “Nutrition Traffic Light” method (Labelling Regulation by the United Kingdom’s National Agency of Food).

Results: All cookies analyzed were classified as follows: firstly, taking into account their fat content, they are all within the moderately content category. Secondly, 71% of cookies belong to the moderately content category as regards saturated fatty acids. Thirdly, only 29% of cookies can be included in the low content group. 57% of the cookies analyzed contain a moderate level of sodium, 14% have a high level of sodium and 29% a low level.

Conclusions: In all, it may be stated that 86% of cookies of a low glycemic value that were analyzed in this sample were classified as Moderately Adequate, while the rest of the cookies analyzed are Not Adequate (14%). None of them reaches the requirements to be included within the Adequate group.


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How to Cite

Llopart, E. E., Pérez, M. P., Borda-Bossana, D., & López-Marenghini, L. (2014). Assessment of the nutritional quality of cookies with low glycemic value in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 18(4), 205–211.