Association between timing of food introduction in on first year old and the prevalence of allergies


  • Ismael San Mauro-Martín Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.
  • Patricia Bodega-Villanueva Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.
  • Elena Romero-Caamaño Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.
  • Victor Micó-Moreno Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.
  • Elena Garicano-Vilar Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.



Food allergy, Infant feeding, Allergy, Breastfeeding


Introduction: Food allergy is an abnormal response after ingestion of an allergen in a food where there is a proven immune mechanism. During the period of breastfeeding, infants are introducing new foods in small quantities and separately for possible allergies. All in relation to the suggested timetable for the introduction of different food groups suggested by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition. Our project focused on studying the possible relationship between the variability of introduction of the different food groups and the development of allergies in infant.

Material and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study in an incidental sample (n = 30). It evolved into an online platform with an Ad Hoc survey, in which data was recollected on the characteristics of allergy, diet, type of birth, and introduction of food were collected.

Results: Allergies were found 36% fruit, 20% egg, nuts and dairy 16% and 12%, grains, legumes, seafood and vegetables 4% respectively. 89% were breastfeeding. 78% were born vaginally. 46.2% compliance with the protocol introduction and 53.8% advance or postpone the introduction.

Conclusions: The data reviewed suggest that food allergies are influenced by several factors that can influence and affect the number of allergic conditions of a particular region, so it is necessary to define these variables in studies to have greater reliability in the necessary studies performed.

Author Biographies

Ismael San Mauro-Martín, Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.

Patricia Bodega-Villanueva, Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.

Elena Romero-Caamaño, Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.

Victor Micó-Moreno, Grupo de Investigación GENUA (Genómica Nutricional Aplicada), Centros de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud.


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How to Cite

San Mauro-Martín, I., Bodega-Villanueva, P., Romero-Caamaño, E., Micó-Moreno, V., & Garicano-Vilar, E. (2014). Association between timing of food introduction in on first year old and the prevalence of allergies. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 18(3), 145–154.