Mandibular neoplasia and gastrostomy: a nutritional case report
Head and Neck Neoplasms, Malnutrition, Deglutition Disorders, Gastrostomy, Enteral Nutrition, Diet Therapy.Abstract
A case of a 47 year old male with mandibular squamous cell carcinoma is presented. Severe caloric malnutrition is diagnosed following the nutritional assessment of SENPE-SEDOM method. Severe mechanical dysphagia is developed due to surgery and oncological treatment. Dysphagia is diagnosed by the clinical exploration known as Volume-Viscosity Method (MECV-V). The patient requires dietary adaptations including texture and nutritional input and finally, the use of gastrostomy feeding tube and enteral nutrition. The aim of this nutritional treatment is to improve the nutritional status that in our case worsened as a consequence of oncological disease, aggressive treatments and inaccurate nutritional indications made by non-expert staff. Once oncological treatment is concluded, dysphagia ameliorates and nutritional progression from enteral to oral feeding is possible. To reach the nutritional recovery a new dietary texture adaptation is made and nutritional supplements are added. The gastrostomy feeding tube will remain until the status of free of oncological disease is achieved.References
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