Prevalence of body adiposity and dyslipidemia in officials of the Bolivarian national police at the National Experimental University of Security


  • Cesar Augusto Corvos Hidalgo Departamento de Educación Física y Salud, Instituto Superior de Educación Física, Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Andrea Victoria Corvos Unidad de Gastroenterología, Hospital Universitario Domingo Luciani. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Rafael Ramón Hidalgo Departamento de Medicina General, Hospital Joaquina de Rotondaro. Tinaquillo, Venezuela.



Distribución de la Grasa Corporal, Índice de Masa Corporal, Dislipidemias, Policia, Enfermedades Cardiovasculares


Introduction: Body composition is one of the key in the development of the operational work of the police officer, who, with a high percentage of body fat, would be very difficult performance, also individuals with an excess of body fat they commonly exhibit an altered lipid profile called atherogenic Dyslipidemia, being both parameters associated with the origin of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study, investigates the prevalence of body adiposity and lipid irregularities and the relationship between these as risk factors associated with CVD in a group of the Bolivarian national police officers.

Material and Methods: 45 men and 20 women formed the sample. We calculated the index of body mass (IMC) and the % of fat (% GC) as indicators of adipose and lipid profile as biochemical indicators.

Results: Both groups were placed in higher categories than those recommended, obtaining men and women a BMI and a % GC of 29.7 and 27.6% and 25.6 and 33.4%, both with significant differences. In the same way, women exceeded the upper limit of triglycerides with 151,8 mg/dL, and being close to the upper limit of cholesterol and at the same time, obtained lower values of HDL-c (40.5 mg/dL). A large percentage of both groups presented alteration on biochemical indicators with the exception of the LDL-c. Cholesterol and triglycerides had moderate correlation with BMI in women, and moderate, low and reverse correlations between the parameters of lipid profile with BMI and GC % in men.

Conclusions: We conclude that a significant percentage of officials, show high fat, and is related to alterations in lipids, may increase the risk for the development of CVD.

Author Biographies

Cesar Augusto Corvos Hidalgo, Departamento de Educación Física y Salud, Instituto Superior de Educación Física, Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.

Docente Grado 2 adscrito al departamento de educación física y salud. Instituto Superior de Educación Física. Universidad de la República. Uruguay. 

Andrea Victoria Corvos, Unidad de Gastroenterología, Hospital Universitario Domingo Luciani. Caracas, Venezuela.

Médico especialista de la unidad de Gastroenterología

Rafael Ramón Hidalgo, Departamento de Medicina General, Hospital Joaquina de Rotondaro. Tinaquillo, Venezuela.

Jefe del departamento de medicina general


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How to Cite

Corvos Hidalgo, C. A., Corvos, A. V., & Hidalgo, R. R. (2018). Prevalence of body adiposity and dyslipidemia in officials of the Bolivarian national police at the National Experimental University of Security. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 22(3), 193–200.