Anthropometric Characteristics of Chilean amateur Triathletes: A pilot study
Anthropometry, Body Composition, Somatotypes, Swimming, Bicycling, RunningAbstract
Introduction: Anthropometric characteristics of triathletes are considered an important determinant of athletic performance. The aim of this study was to characterize the anthropometric profile of a group of Chilean amateur triathletes participating of the 2014 half Ironman developed in Pucon, Chile.
Material and Methods: Thirty-seven male triathletes with an average age of 29.0 years and 74.3kg were evaluated. 25 anthropometric variables were measured. The pentacompartimental body composition and somatotype were calculated. Descriptive estatistic was used to characterize Chilean amateur triathletes.
Results: Fractionation results showed mean values (and standard deviation) of fat mass 23.9% (3.5), muscle 48.0% (3.4), residual mass 11.6 (8.0), bone mass 11.3 (1.3) and skin mass 5.2 (0.3). There were also significant differences in skin mass between the categories ≤24 years and ≥35 years, and presence of a lower percentage of adipose mass and greater muscle mass in the group 25-34 years. The somatotype presents a meso-endomorphic dominance, with significant differences in the endomorphic component, which was higher in ≥35 years, and ectomorphic, which was higher in ≤24 years.
Conclusions: The morphological characteristics of Chilean amateur triathletes are not similar to those of professional triathletes, observing high percentages of fat mass, 6 folds sum and endomorphy; low muscle mass and bone level and reduced ectomorphy, which could affect their performance.
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