Validation of anthropometric and blood pressure Software NutriTe®: Study for 6 - 11 years old children


  • Raúl Alejandro Destéfano Unidad Sanitaria de Pipinas, Punta Indio, Buenos Aires
  • Ricardo Abraham Wright Centro de Estudios en Nutrición y Desarrollo Infantil – Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CEREN-CIC)
  • Walter Daniel Otero Dirección Provincial de Atención Primaria de la Salud. Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
  • María Laura Sansalone Dirección Provincial de Atención Primaria de la Salud. Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
  • Paula Risso Centro de Estudios en Nutrición y Desarrollo Infantil – Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CEREN-CIC). Cátedra de Bioestadística Bayesiana y Clásica, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Nutritional Status, Hypertension, Software, Pediatrics


Introduction: Obesity and arterial hypertension are very common pathologies in children and adolescents worldwide. However, often they are not early detected. NutriTe® was developed in order to facilitate the detection and diagnosis of both diseases. This tool allows an interpretation of nutritional status and blood pressure, without attempting to compete or emulate other existing software. The present study aims to validate NutriTe® software using WHO Anthro Plus® as a comparison method, in children aged 6 to 11 years old.

Material and methods: The nutritional status of the children was compared as height according to age Z values and BMI according to age Z values between NutriTe® and WHO Anthro Plus®. The calculation of the percentile for the estimation of Systolic (SAT) and Diastolic Arterial Tension (DAT) by NutriTe® was compared with the tables of the Fourth Report on the Diagnosis, Evaluation and Treatment of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents.

Results: 380 girls and 752 boys were studied. Intraclass concordance was almost perfect between NutriTe® and Anthro® tools (p<0.001), for both height/age-Z score in girls (ICC= 0.9997) and boys (0.9995), as BMI/age-Z score in girls (0.9988), and in boys (0.9998). The SAT percentiles showed substantial-almost perfect agreement (p<0.001) in girls (k = 0.81) and in boys (0.89). Similar trend was observed for DAT (p<0.001) in girls (k = 0.88) and in boys (0.83).

Conclusion: NutriTe® was validated in a population of children in Buenos Aires province. The results show similar behavior in the anthropometric evaluation between NutriTe® and Anthro Plus® and blood pressure evaluation between NutriTe® and SAT-DAT tables.


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How to Cite

Destéfano, R. A., Wright, R. A., Otero, W. D., Sansalone, M. L., & Risso, P. (2017). Validation of anthropometric and blood pressure Software NutriTe®: Study for 6 - 11 years old children. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21(3), 213–220.