Clinical Practice Guidelines for nutritional management of Cystic Fibrosis patients (GPC-CF)
Cystic Fibrosis, Diet Therapy, Practice Guidelines as TopicAbstract
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multiorgan, hereditary, autosomal and recessive disease whose most frequent problems are related to alterations of the lungs and exocrine pancreas. The objective of this guide is to establish guidelines in clinical practice for the nutritional management of people with CF. Recommendations on the evaluation of clinical and nutritional status (anamnesis, physical examination, body composition, biochemistry, lung function, nutritional nutrition and Weight loss, nutritional nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplementation, treatment of pancreatic insufficiency, diabetes, and liver disease) and other circumstances (pregnancy, lactation, and lung transplantation) also can be found in this guide. The guideline has been developed through a simple review by a group of experts who made decisions by consensus to assist in the decision making of professionals involved in patient care. This guide has been reviewed and approved by the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Foundation of Dieticians and Nutritionists (FEDN). This guide is not intended to be mandatory nor to replace the clinical judgment of health personnel.References
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