Nutritional and social aspects of consumption of ostrich meat: the case of Spain


  • Alicia Aguilar Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), España.
  • Xavier Medina Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), España.



Food preferences, Meat, Nutritional value, Struthioniformes


The consumption of ostrich meat was introduced into Europe in a relatively short time. Considered even today as an exotic meat, its inclusion in the usual sources of animal protein in our context has been repeatedly assessed, because it converge some of the most interesting nutritional characteristics of poultry and red meat. Over ten years later, the consumption of ostrich meat continues crossing a road that lies increasingly away from the exotic to become very slow, in usual. Although information on their nutritional value is still limited, we have more data showing protein values quite similar to other meats but with a smaller proportion of histidine and serine; fat values close to poultry meat low in fat; cholesterol values, vary according to the court, but similar to beef or chicken, and an improved lipid profile compared to the meat of turkey meat, lamb or beef. The information on its vitamins and minerals throws elevated iron and vitamin B12, higher amounts of vitamin E and Zn than other types of meat and a low concentration of sodium.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, A., & Medina, X. (2013). Nutritional and social aspects of consumption of ostrich meat: the case of Spain. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 17(3), 117–122.