Nutritional status and self-perception of body image of Pregnant assisted in Health Centers of Salta’s city, Argentina
Pregnant Women, Nutritional Status, Body Image, Overweight, Thinness.Abstract
Introduction: Body self-perception is a theoretical construct linked to identity, feelings, behavior and life cycle of individuals. Pregnancy involves physical and emotional changes. The aim of this study was to describe the nutritional status and body perception of pregnant women.
Material and Methods: A descriptive and transverse study was carried out to review 302 pregnant women assisted at eight Health Centers (Primary Health Care Level of Salta’s city). It was a nonprobability sample and consecutive cases. Variables: age, nutritional status and perception of body image. A descriptive analysis with absolute and relative frequencies was performed, and Chi Square test was applied.
Results: The results showed that 24% of pregnant women were adolescents. 27% were overweight/obesity and 12% underweight. 42% were without distortion of their body image. Overestimating 43% of pregnant; however most of them had a normal nutritional status. The 15% who underestimated their body image were most overweight and obesity. The adolescents were perceived themselves very overweight (54%). Significant association between body Image perception and age (χ2=12.639; 4 df; p=0.013) and between nutritional status and body image perception (χ2=68.3; 6 df; p=0.000) were found.
Conclusions: Body image can be a concern throughout pregnancy. Pregnant adolescents were overestimated their body image. Those pregnant women who are overweight or obese are perceived as underweight.
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