Fluid balance in amateur female basketball players: follow-up of 10 games


  • Abraham Batalla-Gavalda Departamento de Salud y Gestión, INEFC de Lleida, Universidad de Lleida.
  • Ana Maria Bofill-Ródenas Departamento de Ciencias Médicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Girona.
  • Francisco Corbi-Soler Grupo de Investigación del Movimiento Humano, INEFC de Lleida, Universidad de Lleida.
  • Raúl Montoliu-Colás Instituto de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Imagen (INIT), Universidad Jaume I, Castelló.
  • Antoni Planas-Anzano Grupo de Investigación del Movimiento Humano, INEFC de Lleida, Universidad de Lleida.




Water-Electrolyte Balance, Dehydration, Basketball, Women


Introduction: The aim of the present study was to understand the development of hydration needs during a playoff stint, in a match situation, for an amateur women’s basketball team. In addition, the existence of possible differences in the level of dehydration according to playing position was analyzed.

Material and Methods: Pilot study with single group measurements before competition and after competition was done. Both amateur basketball players (n=10) and their personal water containers were weighted before and after every match. Weight variations were evaluated considering the ingested liquid and replenishment liquid discharged through urine.

Results: Results showed that there are significant differences between body mass before and after each match (z=8.551; p<.0005). However, magnitude of dehydration was very different in each player and match, with average values between 0.63kg (0.9% body weight) and 0.95kg (1.37% body weight). In addition, there were not significant differences in the level of dehydration according to the playing position (F=1.59; p=0.1929).

Conclusions: These evaluations confirm high intra and interpersonal variations as per body mass loss during the 10 referred playoff stint matches. Recommendation of creation of individualized hydration protocols is suggested.

Author Biographies

Abraham Batalla-Gavalda, Departamento de Salud y Gestión, INEFC de Lleida, Universidad de Lleida.

Doctorando en el Departamento de Salut y Gestión del INEFC de Lleida.

Ana Maria Bofill-Ródenas, Departamento de Ciencias Médicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Girona.

Doctora. Profesora Colaboradora. Departamento Ciencias Medicas. Uniersidad de Gerona.

Francisco Corbi-Soler, Grupo de Investigación del Movimiento Humano, INEFC de Lleida, Universidad de Lleida.

Doctor. Profesor Titular Inefc Lleida (UdL)

Raúl Montoliu-Colás, Instituto de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Imagen (INIT), Universidad Jaume I, Castelló.

Doctor. Profesor Titular. Universidad Jaume I. Castelló

Antoni Planas-Anzano, Grupo de Investigación del Movimiento Humano, INEFC de Lleida, Universidad de Lleida.

Doctor. Profesor Titular Inefc Lleida (UdL)


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How to Cite

Batalla-Gavalda, A., Bofill-Ródenas, A. M., Corbi-Soler, F., Montoliu-Colás, R., & Planas-Anzano, A. (2016). Fluid balance in amateur female basketball players: follow-up of 10 games. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(2), 111–119. https://doi.org/10.14306/renhyd.20.2.204