Change in Expenditure on Ultra-Processed Food by Family Farmers in a Rural Area of Peru, Comparison Between 2009 and 2019


  • Juan Pablo Aparco Programa Doctoral en Nutrición, Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú y Centro Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú.
  • Haydee Cárdenas-Quintana Departamento de Nutrición, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú.
  • Eduardo Fuentes Departamento de Producción Animal, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.
  • Carlos A Gómez-Bravo Departamento de Nutrición, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú.



Food, Processed, Rural Population, Feeding Behavior


Objective. Determine the change in spending on ultra-processed foods (AUP) in family farmers in rural Peru in 2009 and 2019.

Methodology. Secondary analysis study of the National Household Survey (ENAHO) for the years 2009 and 2019. The study population was family farmers from the rural area of Peru. The average monthly expenditure on AUP consumed within the home for the years 2009 and 2019 was determined and the differences in expenditure were estimated for the total rural domain and the geographic domains of the north, center and south coast, northern, central, and southern Sierra and jungle. Student's t-test and the z-test of proportions were used to assess the average and percentage change in total spending on the purchase of AUP.

Results. The average spending on AUP was S/82.56 in 2009 and S/74.18 in 2019, this reduction was significant for the total Rural domain and in 5 of 7 domains (p <0.05), these results were similar in the percentage of total spending devoted to the purchase of AUP.

Conclusions: The results of the study show that the average spending on AUP of family farmers in rural areas in 2019 had a small but significant reduction compared to spending in 2009; this trend was maintained in 5 of 7 study domains.


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How to Cite

Aparco, J. P., Cárdenas-Quintana, H., Fuentes , E., & Gómez-Bravo, C. A. (2023). Change in Expenditure on Ultra-Processed Food by Family Farmers in a Rural Area of Peru, Comparison Between 2009 and 2019. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 27(3), 213–223.