Whole cow's milk consumption and fat mass loss in obese or overweight outpatients in the state of Mexico


  • Daniela Merchant Careaga Clínica de Nutrición de Alta Especialidad Clínica NAE, Estado de México, México; Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI), Campeche, México.
  • Ligia Stella Guerrero Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Nutrición Humana, Sede Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia.




Milk, Weight loss, Adipose tissue, Obesity


Introduction: Fat is one of the most controversial macronutrients in whole cow's milk (WCM) because of its role in the development of obesity and overweight. However, there is sufficient evidence to refute that whole cow's milk is responsible for the development of obesity or overweight. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of WCM within a dietary intervention for fat mass loss in adults with obesity or overweight.

Methods: Semi-experimental, non-randomized, parallel design study with 40 patients who were prescribed the same dietary design, differing by the type of milk they usually consumed; 10 for each type of milk: whole, semi-skim, non-fat, and no milk. Each subject was evaluated for three months. Lost kilograms of fat mass were compared between the 4 groups.

Results: Losing 4 kg of fat mass probability for whole milk group was twenty times higher than for no milk group (OR = 21), five times higher than for non-fat milk (OR = 6), and eight times higher than for semi-skim milk (OR = 9). No significant differences were found in baseline and final physical activity (p = 0.197).

Conclusions: This study yielded evidence that people who consume WM has greater fat loss than those who consume other type of milk or who do not consume milk, regardless of physical activity.


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How to Cite

Merchant Careaga, D., & Guerrero, L. S. . (2022). Whole cow’s milk consumption and fat mass loss in obese or overweight outpatients in the state of Mexico. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 26(4), 312–323. https://doi.org/10.14306/renhyd.26.4.1725