Confirmatory factor analysis of the Brief Questionnaire of Risk Eating Behaviors in Mexican university students
Eating Disorders, Surveys and Questionnaires, Young Adult, Psychometrics, Confirmatory Factor AnalysisAbstract
Introduction: The main risk behaviors for the development of eating disorders (ED) have proliferated and their frequency is worrying in adolescents. It is of great interest to have instruments psychometrically and culturally proper to provide the earliest detection of ED. Therefore, the objective of the present investigation was studying the construct validity and reliability of the Brief Questionnaire of Risk Eating Behaviors (BQREB) for Michoacan population.
Material and methods: A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and internal consistency analysis was performed at the scale applied to 1185 university students.
Results: The adjustment of three-factor model was analyzed through the CFA, in the total sample and the subsamples by sex, an acceptable adjustment was observed, although something worse in the men's subsample. The Cronbach's alpha for the total scale was .76 and the values of the subscales were also acceptable.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the instrument is suitable for Michoacan university population and up to 30.8% of the sample obtained scores that suggest a risk of ED.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ferran Padrós Blázqueza, Blanca Edith Pintor Sánchez, María Patricia Martínez Medina, GABRIELA NAVARRO CONTRERAS
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