Risky eating behaviors and body satisfaction in Mexican university students

Risky eating behaviors in Mexican students.


  • Carolina Palmeros-Exsome
  • Génesis del Carmen González-Chávez
  • Rosalba León-Díaz
  • Yeny Paola Carmona-Figueroa
  • Yolanda Campos-Uscanga
  • Antonia Barranca-Enríquez
  • Tania Romo-Gonzalez Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas, Universidad Veracruzana




Eating behavior, Body dissatisfaction, Nutritional status, Obesity


Introduction: Risky eating behaviors have been reported in emerging adults (such as incoming students). Also, body dissatisfaction and nutritional status have been documented as a risk factor in the development of risky eating behaviors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present the correlations among the presence of risky eating behaviors, body dissatisfaction and nutritional status, to identify possible predictors for risky eating behaviors.

Methodology: We design a cross-sectional observational protocol to analyzed the data obtained with the Brief Questionnaire on Risky Eating Behaviors and the Image Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction Scale, that were applied to 1,399 newly admitted university students (age range: 18-29 years). Their nutritional status was determined by measurements of weight, size, body mass index, and percentage of body fat. Data were compared by Kruskal-Wallis test. An adjusted Poisson model was used to obtaining predictive variables of risky eating behaviors.

Results: 7.2% of the women and 5.0% of the men presented risky eating behaviors. Higher scores on risky eating behaviors and body mass index, body fat, and waist circumference showed a significant correlation. Poisson adjusted model showed that body mass index, waist circumference, and satisfaction with the abdomen, waist, and legs are the best predictors of risky eating behaviors.

Conclusions: Risky eating behaviors are present in new universitary students, so the observation and attention to some indicators such as body mass index and body satisfaction, particularly with the abdomen, waist and legs, could help to prevent the development of risky eating behaviors.


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How to Cite

Palmeros-Exsome, C. ., González-Chávez, G. del C. ., León-Díaz , R. ., Carmona-Figueroa , Y. P. ., Campos-Uscanga, Y. ., Barranca-Enríquez , A. ., & Romo-Gonzalez, T. (2022). Risky eating behaviors and body satisfaction in Mexican university students: Risky eating behaviors in Mexican students. Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 26(2), 95–103. https://doi.org/10.14306/renhyd.26.2.1484