Food intake, body composition and physical assessments in young male and fe-male soccer players
Feeding Behavior, Body Composition, Nutrition Assessment, Exercise, Soccer, Sex CharacteristicsAbstract
Introduction: Few studies have analysed the nutritional habits, body composition and physical condition of young soccer players among different categories and further differentiating between males and females. Therefore, the aim was to analyze differences in food consumption habits, body composition parameters and physical performance among young soccer players.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed during the 2019-2020 competitive season. Forty-eight soccer players (16-18 years) were classified by age and sex into three groups: under 16 and under 18 years males (U16 and U18), and under 16 years females (U16 female). Food habits, anthropometry, body composition and physical performance variables were collected. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with least significant difference post hoc comparison (Bonferroni correction) was used.
Results: We found that U16 females consumed lower pork and bread and higher mollusk and shellfish than males (p<0.05). U16 males consumed less fruits (p<0.05) and more olive oil (p<0.05) than U16 females and had lower muscle mass in lower limbs than U18 male (p<0.05, ES=0.80-0.96); males showed higher muscle mass in lower limbs (p<0.01, ES=1.80-2.59) and lower %fat than females (p<0.01, ES=1.73); and U18 males presented higher weight than females (p<0.01, ES=1.64). U18 males showed better performances (p<0.05-0.01, ES=0.90-1.38) in maximal sprint trials (40-m length), counter movements jumps (CMJ) and CMJ with dominant leg, maximal bilateral horizontal jumps (HJ), HJ with dominant and non-dominant leg than U16 males. Males showed better results in linear straight sprint test (LSST, p<0.05; ES=1.66-5.16), change of direction ability (CODA, p<0.05; ES=2.82-5.46) and jumping (p<0.05; ES=1.60-4.12) performances.
Conclusion: In conclusion, sex- and age- specific differences were detected in the healthier dietary practices and body composition parameter in youth of soccer players. Also, better physical performances were found as age increases, except for CODA, and males exhibited higher performances in LSST, CODA and jumping than females.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2020 María Soto-Célix, Silvia Sánchez-Díaz, Daniel Castillo, Javier Raya-González, Marta Domínguez-Díez, Ángel Lago-Rodríguez, Tara Rendo-Urteaga

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