Anthropometric profile in Rhythmic Gymnasts of different performance levels: a comparative study
Athletic Performance, Gymnastics, Sports Nutritional Sciences, Body CompositionAbstract
Introduction: Anthropometry is one of the main performance factors in Rhythmic Gymnastics. There are some variables which have been directly related to competitive performance, such as height, thigh circumference or fat mass percentage, and others which have been related to another performance factors, like jumping capacity or flexibility. In the previous research, we can find some anthropometric studies which compared gymnasts from different levels, but none of them have been done with Spanish gymnasts. The aim of this study was to compare two groups of Spanish gymnasts at two different competitive levels.
Material and methods: Sixteen gymnasts (14.1±1.2 years) were evaluated and divided into two groups, elite (n=4) and non-elite (n=12). Anthropometrical measurements were taken following the ISAK procedure. The measures were: height, weight, five diameters (biacromial, bicrestal, femur, humerus and wrist), six perimeters (relaxed arm, contracted arm, medial thigh, maximal thigh and calf) and eight skinfolds (bicipital, tricipital, subscapular, supraspinal, abdominal, thigh and calf).
Results: Elite gymnasts show lower values than non-elite in the measures related to skinfolds, perimeters and fat mass percentage. The most remarkable differences we can find them in the thigh perimeter (p=0.031; g=1.32), subscapular (p=0.014; g=1.53) and abdominal (p=0.001; g=1.61) skinfolds and total fat mass percentage (p=0.077 g=1.04). With relation to the somatotype, non-elite gymnasts are mostly endo-mesomorphic, while elite gymnasts are ectomorphic.
Conclusions: The differences between competitive levels in Gymnastics seem to be more related to body composition rather than to the total body mass. Higher level gymnasts show a lowed fat mass percentage and are closer to an ectomorphic somatotype than those gymnasts with a lower level, who are closer to an endo-mesomorphic somatotype. Thus, the measurable factors evaluated in this study (body composition and somatotype) could influence and/or limit the performance level.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carmen Ruano Masiá, Sergio Sellés Pérez, Roberto Cejuela Anta

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