Study of eating habits, physical activity, socioeconomic level and sedentariness in adolescents in the city of Valencia
Diet, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior, Socioeconomic Factors, AdolescentAbstract
Introduction: Suitable eating habits along with regular physical activity are important for adopting a healthy lifestyle. Currently, there is a widespread abandonment of physical activity and the adoption of sedentary behaviors during adolescence, as well as the loss of optimal eating patterns.
Material and Methods: The aim of this study is to find out about the eating habits of 170 adolescents in the city of Valencia and whether this nutritional behavior is related to variables such as physical activity, socioeconomic level, time of sedentary activity or weight.
Results: The data analysis reveals that there is a very low and non-significant correlation between the food quality variable and the other sociodemographic variables, so that they are independent of each other. However, a number of trends do appear in the results that point towards a positive relationship between diet type, physical activity and socioeconomic level and a negative relationship between diet type, sedentary activity and weight. In addition, in general it seems that older adolescents have worse eating habits than younger ones.
Conclusions: In conclusion, although there are no statistically significant differences between the eating habits and the variables analyzed, the observed trends invite to deepen in further studies.
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